Statement of Intent


Our practice has so far initiated on-line repeat prescription ordering; and we are currently in the process of making on-line appointment booking available from mid-November 2014.

Please keep up-to-date with information and details via our practice website.

Patient Access to their GP record

In accordance with the 2014/15 GP Contract all practices are required to promote and offer the facility for patients to view on-line, export or print summary information from their medical records.

Online access to your ‘Medical Record Summary’ is now available; the medical record summary includes the following information:-  Allergies & Sensitivities; Acute Medication (issued in the last 12 months); Current Repeat Medication and Past Repeat medication (discontinued in the last 6 months).

Access to the Medical Record Summary will only be available for patients aged 16 and over.

All you need to do to initiate using the online services is to call into the surgery bringing with you photographic proof of ID (i.e. passport) and speak to a member of staff who will issue you your online user name and password. Then you can start using the systmonline services!

Thank you

Helen Rubie
Practice Manager